Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Illegal downloading

Illegal downloading is on the rise!
7.7 million people have downloaded music this year (2010)
1.2 billion tracks were pirated or shared, costing the industry 219 million pound.
people who distribute and download copyrighted recordings without permission face civil actions for potentially thousands of pounds of damage..... 5000 pound or 6 months in prison.
If the downloader distributes the material a criminal record is given.
In america they have put fake tracks on filesharing websites to track IP addresses.


High Court judges ordered two men to pay the British Phonographic Industry between £1,500 and £5,000 for making thousands of songs available online.

One of the men said he did not know he was acting illegally. The other said there was no evidence against him.

The BPI has launched 139 similar cases since October 2004, most being settled out of court for up to £6,500.

The two men, who the BPI decided not to name in publicising the cases, were accused along with three others of using peer-to-peer software to share 8,906 songs over the internet.

The cases, in which both men were ordered to stop sharing files illegally, were the first of their kind to be heard in the British courts.

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